Sunday, January 3, 2010

(Part One) On the Origin of Darkness - Griz'naug

In the dark a great flame appeared, and it blazed for uncounted eras and it grew as more Darklings, creatures of the void, gathered around it, away from the light far away, which they had worshiped long ago. Soon their thirst for the light was devoured, replaced by the desire of the flame, and one by one they pounced upon the bright inferno. They were soon consumed, nothing was left as the dark shapes twisted and writhed agonizing as they were incinerated, and the flame grew.
Soon enough it was fed enough black flesh and black blood, and a presence was felt within the fire. As the ages dragged by fewer Darklings remained, and when the last one of them attempted to steal the blaze, and was doomed, out came a beast of darkness. The flame was consumed by it as it walked out of the fire. It had not know anything but hunger. It desired more, as the fire where it came from burned inside it and wished to be fueled.
Unmeasurable was it's power, for millenia of eating dark meat from the dark void made it a creature of uncharted abilities. It soon noticed that there shone a light far away, small and bright. It desired it, and soon it began to move towards it. Through dark places it crept, and around it gathered Darklings which had not noticed the great pyre from whence it came. The beast moved flying through the void, running sometimes in a blind charge, whatever hid in the shadows, in it's path, was killed, crushed, and tossed aside for nothing could stand in its path. When the time came to stop, for the light seemed to be nearer he had accumulated a horde of Darklings. It knew they followed his power, their greed and desire to usurp it was their undoing for it made him more powerful, but they knew this not.
And so in the dark it summoned pale light to it's hand. The flesh under the light was dark, and it shifted becoming darker sometimes, pulsating. It looked before itself, and its horde was there below him. It was good. Dark animals of the dark assembled to follow for they knew no better.
"Griz'naug" it uttered, and the beasts were amazed, and soon the produced the same word in the same guttural tone. The Darkbeast King, and so he was called from that day on His Darkness, in a tongue unknown to our planes of existence.
After this incident, know because so says the Hallowedtome of the Darkbeast's, the quest to the light continued, and when it was reached all but Him were dismayed. A great tower stood before them, of the purest white, colorless as the ground on which they stood was, because of the great light above.